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Contract law, international trade

Contract law, international trade

The Consultancy provides professional legal services at every level of establishing international trade relationships by entrepreneurs with business partners or their potential clients.

We provide legal support both during trade negotiations, and drafting or assessing trade contracts with particular emphasis on the international nature of business relationships. When rendering legal support for an entrepreneur, we search for optimal legal solutions aiming to increase the client's legal security bearing in mind that currently one of the most important factors in business is the passage of time.

The legal services provided by the Consultancy include the preparation, evaluation and negotiation of:

  • agreements for the sale, supply, or exchange of goods, contracts for specific work;

  • agreements for the use of property' lease agreements, leasing agreements, sale and leaseback agreements, commodatum agreements;

  • agreements related to international transport;

  • shipbuilding agreements;

  • agreements related to international trade;

  • merchanting agreements' agency agreements, distribution agreements, consignment agreements, loan agreements, cooperation agreements;

  • agreements related to implementation of construction investments;

  • innominate agreements;

  • draft collateral agreements.