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Ongoing Legal Support Package

Ongoing Legal Support Package

The Ongoing Legal Support Package is both the fundamental and most common service provided to corporate clients by the Consultancy.

The package includes comprehensive legal assistance from the Consultancy. It is recommended that the ongoing legal service be preceded by a Legal Due Diligence Audit to identify the potential legal risks from the very beginning of cooperation with the Consultancy.

Ongoing legal support includes:  

  • legal advice as required;

  • preparation, analysis and evaluation of commercial and other contracts;

  • adapting the trade practices of the entrepreneur to changing legal regulations;

  • preparation of legal opinions and information;

  • optimisation in terms of tax law and employment law and other services tailored to the client's requirements;

  • pre-contentious and contentious enforced recovery;

  • procedural and non-procedural representation. 

Depending on the Client's needs, support may also also provided by a delegated lawyer at the enterprise's seat.