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The Consultancy's fees are agreed individually with each client depending on the type of work required and the expected involvement of the Consultancy therein.

The Consultancy offers the following fee models:

  • Lump-sum - agreed before the work is commenced and includes the entire cost of the service performed, most often used in the drafting of agreements and regulations in the Legal Due Diligence Audit package.

  • Hourly fee - a fee that depends on the time allocated to the work ? the product of the number of hours of involvement of a lawyer and the agreed hourly rate for the Consultancy. The fee for an hour of work of a lawyer is agreed before the work is accepted.

  • Periodic fee - an agreed periodic lump-sum (e.g. weekly, monthly), most often used in the Ongoing Legal Support package.

  • Success fee-  this fee model consists of a relatively low initial fee, and a fee depending on the value of the benefit obtained by the Consultancy for the client, agreed as a percentage of its value, most often used in debt collection matters and those related to tax optimisation.

The Consultancy's fees are usually set as a combination of two or more of the abovementioned models. This depends on the specifics of the work and expectations of the client.